Yunnan Fancy

Today’s tea is Yunnan Fancy and it is a China black tea from Peet’s Coffee & Tea.

Rich, bright, and spicy taste with a floral and faintly toasty aroma.

So says the outside of the tin. I will try to see if I can taste/smell all that.

This tea is similar to the last post’s tea (Golden Congou) in appearance, with the long twisted leaves flecked with gold. The scent is faintly floral, and when brewed the wet leaves turn reddish-brown and smell like roses–but just slightly. I taste the toasty note in the cup, and smell it as well.

The flavor is very nice, lightly sweet, and I like it much more than the Golden Congou tea. It has an ever-so-slight malty flavor. As always, I try it black first, and this one is so good I could continue to drink it black. It states in the New Tea Lover’s Treasury that Yunnan as a morning tea is “rarely to be equalled,” and I would put this one up there with my favorite breakfast teas. Somehow this one got pushed to the back of the cupboard, but when I opened the tin it was half gone, which indicates that at some point I really liked this tea. I must have become distracted by another new favorite, or gone back to the small rotation of breakfast teas and Earl Grey that sit front and center in my cupboard. This excavation is turning out to be more fun than even I thought it would be! (Heiss, 136)

You can get it here:

About theteaprincess

I have nearly an entire kitchen cabinet full of tea, and I just keep acquiring more! I started this blog to go through them one by one, to be reminded why I bought them all in the first place, to learn, and to rekindle my love for tea.
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